
How old is Smosh?

Smosh Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Smosh is known for being among the top Comedy social media creators on YouTube. Born in 1987 and based in the United States, Smosh is 37 years old today.

So, let's answer at what you are probably wondering. How old is Smosh? Smosh resides in the United States and was born in the year 1987, making him 37 years old today.

When is Smosh's birthday?

Smosh's birthday is November 30th, 1987. That makes Smosh 37 years old today.

What is Smosh's astrological sign?

Smosh's date of birth falls on November 30th, 1987. That shows that Smosh's sign is a Sagittarius, according to the zodiac. That's because Smosh's date of birth fell within the dates of Sagittarius on the zodiac calendar, from 11-22 until 12-21.

How much does Smosh earn?


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