PlaThu is a popular channel on YouTube, boasting 41.4 thousand subscribers. The channel launched in 2014 and is based in Thailand.
So, you may be asking: What is PlaThu's net worth? And how much does PlaThu earn? No one beyond PlaThu truly knows, that said, let's walk through what we know.
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Although PlaThu's exact net worth is unclear, our website references online data to make a prediction of $100 thousand.
The $100 thousand estimate is only based on YouTube advertising revenue. In reality, PlaThu's net worth could actually be much more. In fact, when thinking through other income sources for a YouTuber, some sources place PlaThu's net worth close to $250 thousand.
There’s one question that every PlaThu fan out there just can’t seem to get their head around: How much does PlaThu earn?
Each month, PlaThu' YouTube channel gets more than 108.2 thousand views a month and around 3.6 thousand views each day.
Monetized channels earn revenue by showing ads for every thousand video views. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. With this data, we predict the PlaThu YouTube channel generates $433 in ad revenue a month and $6.5 thousand a year.
Our estimate may be low though. Optimistically, PlaThu could make as much as $11.7 thousand a year.
However, it's unusual for YouTubers to rely on a single source of revenue. Influencers could market their own products, have sponsors, or earn money with affiliate commissions.
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