
How old is julien solomita?

julien solomita Net Worth & Earnings (2025)

julien solomita is a leading YouTube creator widely known for posting Comedy posts. julien solomita was born in 1986, making him 39 years old as of this post.

Subscribers usually wonder: how old is julien solomita? julien solomita was born in 1986, making him 39 years old today.

When is julien solomita's birthday?

julien solomita's birthday is September 15th, 1986. That means julien solomita is 39 years.

What is julien solomita's astrological sign?

julien solomita was born on September 15th, 1986. If you reference julien solomita's date of birth to the astrology calendar, that means julien solomita is a Virgin. julien solomita's date of birth occurred between 08-24 and 09-22, making them the dates for Virgin on the zodiac.

How much is julien solomita worth?


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