Howto & Style

How old is Chad Zuber?

Chad Zuber Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Chad Zuber is a leading YouTuber known for creating Howto & Style videos. Chad Zuber was born in 1972, which makes him 52 years old as of this post.

Followers usually ask: how old is Chad Zuber? Chad Zuber was born in 1972, making him 52 years old as of today.

When is Chad Zuber's birthday?

Chad Zuber's date of birth is August 30th, 1972. That means Chad Zuber is 52 years.

What is Chad Zuber's astrological sign?

Chad Zuber was born on August 30th, 1972. That means Chad Zuber is a Virgin, according to the zodiac calendar. Chad Zuber's birthday fell between 08-24 and 09-22, placing them among the dates for Virgin on the zodiac.

What is Chad Zuber's net worth?


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