With over 2.08 million subscribers, Мамины рецепты is a popular channel on YouTube. The channel launched in 2018 and is based in Russian Federation.
One common question we hear is: What is Мамины рецепты's net worth or how much does Мамины рецепты earn? No one beyond Мамины рецепты can say for certain, that said, let's go through what we know.
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Our site's data points to Мамины рецепты's net worth to be over $2.09 million. Although Мамины рецепты's real net worth is unknown. NetWorthSpot.com's expertise suspects Мамины рецепты's net worth at $2.09 million, that said, Мамины рецепты's actualized net worth is unclear.
Our estimate only uses one source of revenue though. Мамины рецепты's net worth may actually be higher than $2.09 million. When we consider many revenue sources, Мамины рецепты's net worth could be as high as $2.92 million.
You may be wondering: How much does Мамины рецепты earn?
The Мамины рецепты YouTube channel attracts around 289.94 thousand views every day.
YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by displaying. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. If Мамины рецепты is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that Мамины рецепты earns $34.79 thousand a month, totalling $521.89 thousand a year.
Some YouTube channels earn even more than $7 per thousand video views. On the higher end, Мамины рецепты might earn as much as $939.4 thousand a year.
YouTubers rarely have one source of income too. Additional revenue sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product sales and speaking gigs may generate much more revenue than ads.
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