Film & Animation

How old is Yasmyn Switzer?

Yasmyn Switzer Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Yasmyn Switzer is a leading YouTube creator known for creating Film & Animation content. Born in the year 2001 and located in the United States, Yasmyn Switzer is 24 years old today.

You could be asking: how old is Yasmyn Switzer? Born in the year 2001 and located in the United States, Yasmyn Switzer is 24 years old as of today.

When is Yasmyn Switzer's birthday?

Yasmyn Switzer's date of birth is February 8th, 2001. That makes Yasmyn Switzer 24 years old today.

What is Yasmyn Switzer's astrological sign?

Yasmyn Switzer was born on February 8th, 2001. That shows that Yasmyn Switzer is a Aquarius, following the zodiac. Yasmyn Switzer's date of birth fell between 01-21 and 02-19, placing them among the dates for Aquarius on the zodiac.

How much does Yasmyn Switzer make?


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