Girls Play is a popular Gaming channel on YouTube. It has attracted 312 thousand subscribers. The Girls Play YouTube channel started in 2013 and is based in the United States.
So, you may be asking: What is Girls Play's net worth? And how much does Girls Play earn? Not many have a close idea of Girls Play's true income, but a few have made some predictions.
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Our site's data suggests Girls Play's net worth to be around $155.9 thousand. While Girls Play's actual net worth is unknown. NetWorthSpot's point of view estimates Girls Play's net worth at $155.9 thousand, but Girls Play's actual net worth is unverified.
Net Spot Worth's estimate only uses one revenue source however. Girls Play's net worth may truly be higher than $155.9 thousand. Considering these additional sources of income, Girls Play may be worth closer to $218.2 thousand.
You may be asking: How much does Girls Play earn?
The YouTube channel Girls Play receives more than 649.4 thousand views each month.
YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by playing ads. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. With this data, we predict the Girls Play YouTube channel generates $2.6 thousand in ad revenue a month and $39 thousand a year.
Net Worth Spot may be using under-reporting Girls Play's revenue though. Optimistically, Girls Play might earn as much as $70.1 thousand a year.
However, it's uncommon for YouTuber channels to rely on a single source of revenue. Successful YouTubers also have sponsors, and they could earn more by promoting their own products. Plus, they could book speaking gigs.
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