Science & Technology

How old is Shlok Srivastava?

Shlok Srivastava Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Shlok Srivastava is a prominent YouTube creator widely known for posting Science & Technology posts. Shlok Srivastava is located in India and was born in the year 1996, which makes him 28 years old as of today.

Fans often wonder: how old is Shlok Srivastava? Born in the year 1996 and located in India, Shlok Srivastava is 28 years old as of today.

When is Shlok Srivastava's birthday?

Shlok Srivastava's date of birth is November 22nd, 1996. That date makes Shlok Srivastava 28 years old as of this post.

What is Shlok Srivastava's astrological sign?

Shlok Srivastava was born on November 22nd, 1996. That shows that Shlok Srivastava would be a Sagittarius, following the zodiac. That's because Shlok Srivastava's date of birth occurred within the dates of Sagittarius on the zodiac calendar, from 11-22 until 12-21.

What is Shlok Srivastava's net worth?


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