
How old is Steve Wallis?

Steve Wallis Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Steve Wallis is known for being one of the most well known Entertainment social media influencers on YouTube. Steve Wallis resides in Canada and was born in 1981, making him 44 years old as of today.

You may be thinking: how old is Steve Wallis? Steve Wallis is based in Canada and was born in 1981, which makes him 44 years old today.

When is Steve Wallis's birthday?

Steve Wallis's actual birthday is September 10th, 1981. That means Steve Wallis is 44 years as of this post.

What is Steve Wallis's astrological sign?

Steve Wallis's date of birth is on September 10th, 1981. When we check Steve Wallis's birthday to the zodiac, that makes Steve Wallis a Virgin. Steve Wallis's birthday was between 08-24 and 09-22, making them the dates for Virgin on the zodiac.

How much does Steve Wallis make?


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