
How old is Sergiu Floroaia?

Sergiu Floroaia Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Sergiu Floroaia is known for being among leading Comedy YouTube creators on YouTube. Sergiu Floroaia is located in Romania and was born in 1984, making him 40 years old as of this post.

You could be guessing: how old is Sergiu Floroaia? Sergiu Floroaia is located in Romania and was born in the year 1984, which makes him 40 years old as of this post.

When is Sergiu Floroaia's birthday?

Sergiu Floroaia's birthday is December 1st, 1984. That means Sergiu Floroaia is 40 years as of today.

What is Sergiu Floroaia's astrological sign?

Sergiu Floroaia was born on December 1st, 1984.According to the zodiac calendar, Sergiu Floroaia would be a Sagittarius. Sergiu Floroaia's date of birth fell between 11-22 and 12-21, placing them among the dates for Sagittarius on the astrology calendar.

What is Sergiu Floroaia's net worth?


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