News & Politics

How old is Aleksandr Sotnik?

Aleksandr Sotnik Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Aleksandr Sotnik is a famous influencer recognized for making News & Politics content. Born in the year 1968, Aleksandr Sotnik is 57 years old today.

You could be wondering: how old is Aleksandr Sotnik? Born in the year 1968, Aleksandr Sotnik is 57 years old as of today.

When is Aleksandr Sotnik's birthday?

Aleksandr Sotnik's birthday is March 21st, 1968. That means Aleksandr Sotnik is 57 years today.

What is Aleksandr Sotnik's astrological sign?

Aleksandr Sotnik's birthday is on March 21st, 1968. That shows that Aleksandr Sotnik would be a Aries, according to the zodiac calendar. That's because Aleksandr Sotnik's birthday was within the dates of Aries on the astrology calendar, between 03-21 until 04-20.

How much does Aleksandr Sotnik make?


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