The Film & Animation channel LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 has attracted 152 thousand subscribers on YouTube. The LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 YouTube channel started in 2012 and is based in South Korea.
So, you may be wondering: What is LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스's net worth? Or you could be asking: how much does LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 earn? Only LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 really knows, but we can make some excellent forecasts using YouTube data.
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Although LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스's actual net worth is unclear, Net Worth Spot pulls YouTube viewership data to make a forecast of $148.18 thousand.
However, some people have estimated that LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스's net worth might actually be far higher than that. Considering these additional revenue sources, LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 may be worth closer to $207.45 thousand.
You may be wondering: How much does LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 earn?
When we look at the past 30 days, LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스's channel gets 617.42 thousand views each month and around 20.58 thousand views each day.
If a channel is monetized through ads, it earns money for every thousand video views. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. If LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 earns $2.47 thousand a month, totalling $37.05 thousand a year.
Net Worth Spot may be using under-reporting LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스's revenue though. Optimistically, LIEVICUS 라이비쿠스 could possibly make over $66.68 thousand a year.
However, it's uncommon for influencers to rely on a single source of revenue. Influencers may sell their own products, secure sponsorships, or generate revenue with affiliate commissions.
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