With more than 167 thousand subscribers, Lewis Hancox is a popular YouTube channel. The Lewis Hancox YouTube channel started in 2009 and is based in United Kingdom.
One common question we hear is: What is Lewis Hancox's net worth or how much does Lewis Hancox earn? Using the advertising data from Lewis Hancox's channel, we can estimate Lewis Hancox's net worth.
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Lewis Hancox's exact net worth is still being verified, but networthspot.com places it to be at roughly $1.98 million.
However, some people have hypothesized that Lewis Hancox's net worth might truly be much higher than that. When we consider many income sources, Lewis Hancox's net worth could be as high as $2.77 million.
Lewis Hancox fans often ask the same question: How much does Lewis Hancox earn?
When we look at the past 30 days, Lewis Hancox's channel attracts 8.26 million views each month and more than 275.19 thousand views each day.
Monetized YouTube channels collect money by playing advertising for every thousand video views. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. With this data, we predict the Lewis Hancox YouTube channel generates $33.02 thousand in ad revenue a month and $495.34 thousand a year.
Net Worth Spot may be using under-reporting Lewis Hancox's revenue though. If Lewis Hancox makes on the higher end, video ads could generate as high as $891.6 thousand a year.
Lewis Hancox likely has additional revenue sources. Successful YouTubers also have sponsors, and they could earn more by promoting their own products. Plus, they could book speaking presentations.
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