
How old is Jenn McAllister?

Jenn McAllister Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Jenn McAllister is known as being one of the best known Comedy YouTube creators on YouTube. Born in 1996 and based in the United States, Jenn McAllister is 28 years old as of this post.

Subscribers usually ask: how old is Jenn McAllister? Born in the year 1996 and residing in the United States, Jenn McAllister is 28 years old as of today.

When is Jenn McAllister's birthday?

Jenn McAllister's birthday is July 9th, 1996. That means Jenn McAllister is 28 years.

What is Jenn McAllister's astrological sign?

Jenn McAllister's date of birth falls on July 9th, 1996.Referencing the zodiac, Jenn McAllister would be a Cancer. Jenn McAllister's date of birth fell between 06-22 and 07-22, placing them among the dates for Cancer on the zodiac calendar.

How much is Jenn McAllister worth?


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