People & Blogs

How old is Jenna Rose?

Jenna Rose Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Jenna Rose is a popular influencer widely known for making People & Blogs videos. Jenna Rose is based in Canada and was born in 1998, which makes her 26 years old as of this post.

You could be guessing: how old is Jenna Rose? Jenna Rose is located in Canada and was born in 1998, making her 26 years old as of this post.

When is Jenna Rose's birthday?

Jenna Rose's date of birth is September 28th, 1998. That makes Jenna Rose 26 years old today.

What is Jenna Rose's astrological sign?

Jenna Rose was born on September 28th, 1998. When we reference Jenna Rose's date of birth to the zodiac, that makes Jenna Rose a Libra. That's because Jenna Rose's birthday happened between the dates of Libra on the zodiac, from 09-23 through 10-22.

Jenna Rose's net worth


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