
ครูแป้งสอนจีน Net Worth & Earnings

ครูแป้งสอนจีน Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

ครูแป้งสอนจีน is a well-known YouTube channel covering Education and has attracted 37.5 thousand subscribers on the platform. It started in 2017 and is based in Thailand.

So, you may be asking: What is ครูแป้งสอนจีน's net worth? And how much does ครูแป้งสอนจีน earn? We can never know the exact amount, but here is our close prediction.

Table of Contents

  1. ครูแป้งสอนจีน net worth
  2. ครูแป้งสอนจีน earnings

What is ครูแป้งสอนจีน's net worth?

ครูแป้งสอนจีน has an estimated net worth of about $100 thousand.

Although ครูแป้งสอนจีน's actual net worth is not publicly reported, our website relies on YouTube viewership data to make a forecast of $100 thousand.

However, some people have proposed that ครูแป้งสอนจีน's net worth might truly be higher than that. When we consider many sources of income, ครูแป้งสอนจีน's net worth could be as high as $250 thousand.

How much does ครูแป้งสอนจีน earn?

ครูแป้งสอนจีน earns an estimated $20.12 thousand a year.

Many fans question how much does ครูแป้งสอนจีน earn?

The ครูแป้งสอนจีน YouTube channel gets about 11.18 thousand views every day.

Monetized channels earn income by showing advertising for every one thousand video views. Monetized YouTube channels may earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. If ครูแป้งสอนจีน is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that ครูแป้งสอนจีน earns $1.34 thousand a month, totalling $20.12 thousand a year.

$20.12 thousand a year may be a low estimate though. On the higher end, ครูแป้งสอนจีน could possibly earn as high as $36.22 thousand a year.

However, it's unusual for channels to rely on a single source of revenue. Successful YouTubers also have sponsors, and they could increase revenues by promoting their own products. Plus, they could get speaking gigs.

What could ครูแป้งสอนจีน buy with $100 thousand?What could ครูแป้งสอนจีน buy with $100 thousand?


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