
How old is Vlad Bumaga?

Vlad Bumaga Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Vlad Bumaga is known as being one of the most popular Gaming social media creators on YouTube. Born in 1996, Vlad Bumaga is 28 years old as of today.

Followers typically think: how old is Vlad Bumaga? Born in 1996, Vlad Bumaga is 28 years old today.

When is Vlad Bumaga's birthday?

Vlad Bumaga's birthday is June 5th, 1996. That date makes Vlad Bumaga 28 years old today.

What is Vlad Bumaga's astrological sign?

Vlad Bumaga was born on June 5th, 1996. That shows that Vlad Bumaga's sign is the Gemini, following the zodiac. That's because Vlad Bumaga's date of birth happened between the dates of Gemini on the astrology calendar, between 05-22 through 06-21.

Vlad Bumaga's net worth


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