People & Blogs

RØDE Net Worth & Earnings

RØDE Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Peter Freedman, a trailblazing microphone entrepreneur, has made a name for himself in the world of audio gear. Born in Sweden in 1958, Freedman's passion for sound recording equipment began at a young age. His father, Henry, worked as a chief engineer at an intercom company, and Freedman would often sit with him in his workshop, observing and learning.

After moving to Australia with his family, Freedman took over his father's small electronics shop in Sydney's inner west at the age of 16. He showed a natural talent for tinkering with equipment to improve sound quality. However, it wasn't until the early 1990s that Freedman faced significant challenges.

Freedman began trying to sell a home-use microphone he had modified from a Chinese model he had acquired years earlier. Despite facing numerous rejections, he eventually caught the attention of West LA Music shop in Los Angeles, which placed an order for 100 of his Rode NT2 microphones.

This breakthrough marked the beginning of Rode's success in the United States. However, when Chinese competition entered the market, Freedman made the bold decision to move all manufacturing operations back to Australia. He invested in a state-of-the-art, automated factory in Silverwater, western Sydney, which now employs 500 people.

Rode microphones quickly became the go-to choice for millions of content creators worldwide, thanks to their affordability and exceptional quality. Last year alone, 2.5 million Rode products were sold in 118 countries. Despite this global success, Freedman remains committed to keeping all manufacturing within Australia.

Today, Peter Freedman is not only known for his entrepreneurial achievements but also for his unique personal style. With his ear-studs and leather-clad rocker appearance, he stands out among Australia's corporate elite. His success has earned him a place on the Australian Financial Review's Rich List, with an estimated value of over $100 thousand.

Despite his remarkable journey, Freedman remains grounded and often reflects on his humble beginnings. He fondly remembers his father's shop on Liverpool Road and the impact it had on his life. The company that trades as Rode is still officially registered as Freedman Electronics, a nod to the shop that started it all.

As Rode continues to thrive and innovate, Peter Freedman's story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and creators around the world. His dedication to quality, his commitment to Australian manufacturing, and his passion for sound recording have solidified his place as a true pioneer in the industry.

RØDE is a popular YouTube channel, boasting 157 thousand subscribers. It was founded in 2007 and is located in Australia.

So, you may be wondering: What is RØDE's net worth? Or you could be asking: how much does RØDE earn? Using the advertising data on RØDE's channel, we can predict RØDE's earnings or net worth.

Table of Contents

  1. RØDE net worth
  2. RØDE earnings

What is RØDE's net worth?

RØDE has an estimated net worth of about $100 thousand.

Net Worth Spot's data predicts RØDE's net worth to be over $100 thousand. Although RØDE's exact net worth is unknown. Our site's opinion suspects RØDE's net worth at $100 thousand, that said, RØDE's finalized net worth is not publicly reported.

However, some people have hypothesized that RØDE's net worth might possibly be far higher than that. Considering these additional income sources, RØDE may be worth closer to $250 thousand.

While the YouTuber's main source of income comes from their successful YouTube channel, they have also diversified their revenue streams through various additional ventures. These additional sources of revenue include:

Product Lines

One of the YouTuber's notable endeavors is their line of acoustic guitars. In 2020, they made headlines when they purchased the iconic acoustic guitar played by Kurt Cobain during Nirvana's 1993 MTV Unplugged special. This guitar, a 1959 Martin D-18E, holds historical significance and has become a symbol of the YouTuber's commitment to supporting artists. The media attention surrounding this purchase has allowed them to advocate for pandemic support for artists, aligning with their dedication to the creative community.


In addition to their product lines, the YouTuber has also ventured into the world of merchandise. They offer a range of branded merchandise, including clothing, accessories, and collectibles. Fans can proudly display their support for the YouTuber by purchasing items that showcase their logo or catchphrases. This merchandise not only serves as a way for fans to connect with the YouTuber on a deeper level but also provides an additional revenue stream for the YouTuber beyond their YouTube channel.

Brand Sponsorships

The YouTuber has also secured various brand sponsorships, further diversifying their income. By partnering with well-known brands that align with their content and values, they are able to promote products or services to their audience while generating revenue. These brand sponsorships can range from collaborations with clothing brands to partnerships with technology companies. Through these sponsorships, the YouTuber not only benefits financially but also provides their audience with valuable recommendations and insights.

Overall, the YouTuber has successfully expanded their revenue sources beyond YouTube through product lines, merchandise, and brand sponsorships. These additional ventures not only contribute to their financial success but also allow them to connect with their audience in new and exciting ways. By diversifying their income streams, the YouTuber has built a sustainable and thriving business that extends beyond their popular YouTube channel.

How much does RØDE earn?

RØDE earns an estimated $14.56 thousand a year.

RØDE fans often ask the same question: How much does RØDE earn?

On average, RØDE's YouTube channel receives 242.67 thousand views a month, and around 8.09 thousand views a day.

YouTube channels that are monetized earn revenue by playing ads. YouTube channels may earn anywhere between $3 to $7 per one thousand video views. If RØDE is within this range, Net Worth Spot estimates that RØDE earns $971 a month, totalling $14.56 thousand a year.

Some YouTube channels earn even more than $7 per thousand video views. On the higher end, RØDE could earn over $26.21 thousand a year.

RØDE likely has additional revenue sources. Additional revenue sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product sales and speaking gigs may generate much more revenue than ads.

What could RØDE buy with $100 thousand?What could RØDE buy with $100 thousand?


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