
How old is Lele Pons?

Lele Pons Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Lele Pons is known for being among leading Comedy influencers on YouTube. Born in 1996 and located in the United States, Lele Pons is 28 years old today.

You may be guessing: how old is Lele Pons? Lele Pons resides in the United States and was born in 1996, which makes her 28 years old as of today.

When is Lele Pons's birthday?

Lele Pons's actual birthday is June 25th, 1996. That means Lele Pons is 28 years.

What is Lele Pons's astrological sign?

Lele Pons's birthday is on June 25th, 1996.Referencing the astrology calendar, Lele Pons is a Cancer. Lele Pons's birthday was between 06-22 and 07-22, making them the dates for Cancer on the zodiac calendar.

Lele Pons's net worth


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